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Night economy is lighting up streets of Nanning City in China"s Guangxi, as the city has regained its hustle and bustle. Xinhua"s Huang Qinggang and a Malaysian expat have visited a night market there to explore the booming night-time economy.
外交部:日方有必要就核污染水排海作出負責任回答 賓陽縣:油菜花開 描繪新春畫卷 ?五花八門的開學文具該怎么選?快來看南寧12315為您支招 制造業細分行業穩步回升 經濟恢復聯動性較好 節日出游,如何避免“被宰”?廣西消委會發布提示關鍵詞: